So, I just realised the other day that I'm actually a church planting wife now. That sounds a bit blonde, really. I mean, not to realise until we had been doing the job for a month. But I guess my husband accepted a job we were both excited about without really realising that what we were doing was actually church planting. We knew what the job entailed, building networks, training, drawing people together, identifying gifts, working to teach the bible at home and on Sundays, opening our home and sharing our lives. My husband works for a small, new church plant, as a kind of 'builder' and settler, as the hardest pioneering work has already been done. I often find concepts are unconscious in my mind and it takes someone or some moment to actually make me pinpoint what things I need to keep in mind as I do what I do, or support what Luke does, more to the point.
So, this talk by Cathy Heard was helpful, being a 'partner' in the gospel while my husband does the 'real' work, I do the supporting, caring for our daughter, keeping the fridge stocked and praying for Luke. Cathy says this IS the real work, which lifts the 'I'm doing anything' veil.
Its a great comfort that I'm doing 'what I'm supposed to be doing'. Its also wonderful to be surrounded by so many people who love the bible, love what God is doing, and are prepared to put themselves out there to serve and help the church become strong in its foundations.
Even as tonight I needed to take my teething daughter home from church and administer panadol, rather than talk to visitors about Jesus, this is the Lord's work. Although, amazingly, I did get an opportunity to explain why the resurrection is important to someone just before I went home!