
Monday, March 14, 2011

'The Poison of the sidelong glance'

I have been trying to write this blog post in my head for over a week now. My perfectionist side was insisting that I listen to the sermon again ( which would make it the third listening) - perhaps even pausing to quote directly from the podcast. The sensible time-saving mummy in me said, 'Life's too short! If people are interested they will listen to it themselves'. Listen here.

The sermon uses the text of the parable of the workers in the vineyard. Remember this one? All the workers get the same amount, even though some people were hired only one hour before COB. I think its easy with much of scripture, to heartily enjoy watching the Pharisees getting their comeuppance, but when it is us getting challenged, it isn't very funny... I used to think that I was one of the latecomers who worked before the end, but after being a Christian a little while, I'm starting to feel like one of the early risers who started with the morning dew.

Ben Merkle persuasively showed me that I spend way too much of my life comparing my 'share' to others. I look around and think that 'she has it easier than I do because her kids are older' or 'she has it easier because she's single'. Merkle makes the point that we are usually perfectly happy with our lot, until we see that someone's else's is larger, or sweeter, or has more cream on top.

As we raise our eyes up, to the King of Kings, to our sacrificial lamb and resurrected King from whom we receive our promised denarius, perhaps we will be less poisoned by unhappiness and discontent.

So there you have it, my pared back, simplified, non-perfect review, now go listen to the podcast, I promise it will tear you down and lift you up again.