
Saturday, August 13, 2011

have trod?

My daughter took her first steps today, holding some blue explorer socks ( for balance?)in each hand. 1, 2, 3, 4 and over to the laundry basket. It seems the next generation has finally 'trod'.

The Lord is good and I know He is guiding me, to what or where or how is another matter that I leave to His disgression. I want to stop complaining and trust more and praise more. I want to rest in Him more and stress less.

I want to be one of those organised people who keep a tidy house and who fits in 'quiet times' exercise and kitchen cleaning all before the children and husbands eyes open. Perhaps this is more of a summer goal as I find myself wrenching my eyes open at 8 am to the sound of my daughter talking to her dolly in her cot, or even my night owl husband bringing my daughter in for a morning feed.
I am thankful. What a loving husband I have. What a beautiful daughter I have. What a generous and merciful God I worship - and the rest of sleep and sleeping in is such a gift after this year of alarm clocks and night wakings and early starts and broken sleep. Hibernating is a gift I did not think I would get to enjoy until my forties. Ah, Sleep.