
Monday, November 05, 2007




Having been away on study leave for a while, I have blogged even less than usual.  I am living in my new flat, without internet access and not really missing it, I guess… I ride to work via the Capital City trail, it is wonderful.


I have been devouring books about Marilyn Monroe and having morbid thoughts about the identity of women in the twentieth/twenty first century.  I want to explore the identity of women, who we are, how we have been abused and over glorified, and how God loves us and sees us in contrast to our worlds views.


The way I see it, we have swung between celebration and destruction of women, take for example the French Revolution, in which the figure of a woman was held up as a symbol of Liberte, Egalite, Fraternitie and when nuns were raped and chased from their convents into the streets…


Now on this, my first day back at work, I am so tired, I will just let the sounds of this Melbourne band lull me into a (fully functional) coma…