
Thursday, October 05, 2006

Lessons from the Puritans: Contentment Part 2

2. 'A Christian comes to contentment, not so much by way of addition, but by way of subtraction'

'The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment', Jeremiah Burroughs.

...a heart that has no grace, and is not instructed in the mystery of contentment, know of no way to get contentment, but to have his possession raised up to his desires; but the

Christian has another way to contentment, that is, he can bring his desires down to his possessions'

I found this idea extremely difficult. There is some pleasure that my desires are higher than my circumstances. That my skills and ambitions are above the job I currently do. That my means are lower than my tastes...

However, Burroughs is right, this lowering of self does bring contentment and peace. Thankfulness too. My fear is that, like Mill's happy pig, I have reduced my sophistication and wisdom somehow...

However, Christ was content to submit himself to death on a cross, not because he enjoyed the means, but for our salvation. Will our contentment enable us to love others more today? Will it allow us to think clearly and work hard? Will it help us to fulfill the reuqirements of our study?

Let us pray so.

If anyone wants to share their struggle with contentment or add any other thoughts, please do.