
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Lessons from Puritans: Contentment Part 1

'The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment'* by Jeremiah Burroughs has sat on my shelf, waiting to be read for three years.
Here is the first point in the book, summarised briefly.

1. A Christian is both the the most contented person in the world, AND the most unsatisfied person in the world.

What does this mean?
Well, it means firstly that if we are in the lowest condition on earth- say- under persecution and having barely enough to keep alive- we know that God is still our greatest Love and our highest wish. We (by God's power), would be happy and content.

But- if God were to raise us to become a king, queen or other high position, with every physical blessing in the world possible- we would still be unsatisfied.

'A soul that is capable of God can be filled with nothing else but God...Therefore...whatever God may give to...a heart that is godly, unless he gives it himself, it will not do.'

'There lies the first mystery of contentment...though he is the most contented man ( or woman) in the world, is the most dissatisfied man in the world; that is, those things that will satisfy the world, will not satisfy him.

Pondering this book has helped me to take comfort in the Lord more. A person like me, worldly, impatient and often anxious!

Those puritans really do know a thing or two.

*If it doesn't strain your eyes, you canr ead this book for free online through the link on the title. :)