
Sunday, August 19, 2007

Grace is the only explanation

For the blessing of my wonderful husband.
I took Luke out for breakfast for his birthday today. I wrote in the card I gave him a paltry explanation of what a blessing he is to me.
Of how much I respect and honour him - willingly submit to his gentle, forward thinking leadership and care for me.
I took him to "flavours of Lakhoum", in Richmond. They do "coffee art" - mine looked something like the one above...

The second one looked more like this:
Thats possibly because just before we ordered it, the place was swamped by later-risers and they got pretty busy...

I bought Luke the book "book Lust", by Nancy Pearl. It has recommended reading for every topic you can think of, ( fiction and non-fiction), from crime-noir to civial war non-fiction and african-american women's writing...

Nancy Pearl is the archetypal librarian, who has her own "shoosh" action figure..

Happy Birthday Lukey!!!!